Trees: An Anthology of Writings and Paintings
By Hermann Hesse
Introduction by Theodore Zialkowski
Translated by Rika Lesser
In the spring of 1922, several months after completing Siddhartha, Hermann Hesse wrote a fairy tale that was also a love story, inspired by the woman who was to become his second wife. That story, Pictor’s Metamorphoses, is the centerpiece of this anthology of Hesse’s luminous short fiction. Based on The Arabian Nights and the work of the Brothers Grimm, the nineteen stories collected here represent a half century of Hesse's short writings. They display the full range of Hesse’s lifetime fascination with fantasy—as dream, fairy tale, satire, or allegory.
240 pages
Picador Publishing, 2003
Originally published in 1922
ISBN 9780312422646
Short Stories, Fantasy